A great read for seekers and thrill-seekers interested in ayahuasca tourism, entheogens, and counterculture studies, this companion volume to the author's memoir Aya Awakenings collects in-depth …
From the manmade splendour of the Easter Island Statues in the Pacific Ocean, to the medieval pilgrimage of Camino de Santiago that stretches to Spain, discover places that will be a balm to the mind and a tonic to the soul.
A quarter of all pilgrims arriving at Santiago start in Sarria: it provides the minimum distance required for a pilgrim to apply for a Compostela. This guidebook features all the information needed to complete the 7 stages from O Cebreiro to Santiago via Sarria, including maps and contour guides (stage by stage), town plans, alternate routes, accommodation, history, mythology and so much more...
A New Kind of Travelogue
Take an unusual, sometimes spooky, but always fun trip through the Golden State with this little travel companion—perfect for toting on an impromptu road trip or long-planned vacation. Visit the haunted Star of India and USS Hornet. Find out who is really living in a mysterious ghost town and wandering the halls of the “stateliest ship afloat.
Keeping visual journals has been popular for centuries among
artist-travelers like Albrecht Dürer, J. M. W. Turner, Katsushika Hokusai, and David
Hockney. Explorers like Jacques le Moyne, Alexander von Humboldt, Charles
Darwin, and Marianne North also recorded their journeys in sketchbooks and diaries.
Topographical drawing was essential.
The United States has been shaped by mobility like no other nation on Earth. The automobile made possible almost limitless development, but there was a dark side: ghost towns and deserted regions emerged due to economic crises, cultural shifts, and catastrophic weather.
A Journey to the Top of the World
Explore the starkness of the seasons at the earth's upper latitudes, from snow deserts to a blooming tundra, polar lights to white nights.
Ice-filled, mostly uninhabited, breathtakingly beautiful: the polar region of the Northern Hemisphere offers incredible landscapes that leave visitors at a loss for words.
This title provides a complete guide to the towns, deserts and canyons of the southwestern corner of North America. It contains a full-colour introductory section on the region's highlights, including the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas.
Beyond the House of the False Lama chronicles the adventures of George Crane -- a wanderer, poet, romantic, and not-so-good student of Zen Buddhism who travels the globe in search of life's purpose.
A guide to some of the worlds most fascinating places, as seen and experienced by writer, television host, and relentlessly curious traveler Anthony Bourdain
Outdoors; it’s always the best time of year! Especially when the whole world lies open before us. But where are the greatest experiences beckoning to adventure seekers and outdoor fans? Experiences such as being on an aurora borealis safari in Tromsø, Norway; taking a stand-up paddling trip on Italy’s Lago D’Idro; or mountain biking through Austria’s Salzburger Land with a view of the Alps.
Get an insider's look at 70 beautiful, charming European cities that you may not have heard of. Kufstein, Lugano, Wroclaw . . . enchanting, unique, and all-but-hidden urban beauties of Europe, where you can stroll and marvel undisturbed.
A lot has happened in the world of railroads since the first train station opened in Darlington, northern England, almost 200 years ago. Today's railroad station buildings are as wonderfully diverse as their locations, ranging from what G. K. Chesterton called "cathedrals of the Industrial Revolution" springing up along high-speed rail lines, to charming country stops that rarely see a passenger.
A complete set of maps and town plans in English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch and Polish make up this indispensable guidebook for spiritual seekers and travellers wishing to walk the way of Saint James. Covering the sacred route from St.
The worldwide best seller. For everyone who wants to understand more about coffee and its wonderful nuances and possibilities, this is the book to have. Coffee has never been better, or more interesting, than it is today.