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Astrosex: Aquarius

€5.00 exkl moms

Medical Medium Brain Saver

€18.50 exkl moms

Handbook of body psychotherapy and somatic psychology

The Handbook of Body Psychotherapy and Somatic Psychology provides a comprehensive overview of body-centered psychotherapies, which stress the centrality of the body to overcoming psychological distress, trauma, and mental illness.
€54.40 exkl moms

The Sugar Brain Fix

€9.80 exkl moms

The Metabolism Reset Diet

€9.80 exkl moms

Life in the Fasting Lane

€8.00 exkl moms

High Fibre Keto

€13.30 exkl moms

Anxiety-Free with Food

€9.10 exkl moms


€11.10 exkl moms


€9.10 exkl moms

Wake Up to Sleep

€8.50 exkl moms

Whole Brain Living

For half a century we have been trained to believe that our right brain hemisphere is our emotional brain, while our left brain houses our rational thinking. Now neuroscience shows that it’s not that simple: in fact, our emotional limbic tissue is evenly divided between our two hemispheres.
€9.80 exkl moms

Sketch by Sketch

€11.10 exkl moms

Yoga Nidra Made Easy

€8.50 exkl moms

Celery Juice

Celery juice is everywhere for a reason: because it's saving lives as it restores people's health one symptom at a time. Here Anthony William, the originator of the global celery juice movement, introduces you to celery juice's incredible ability to create sweeping improvements on every level of our health.
€18.20 exkl moms

Energy Paradox Hb

€13.90 exkl moms

Spiritual brain - a neuroscientists case for the existence of the soul

Challenging books such as Richard Dawkinss "The God Delusion" and Sam Harriss "The End of Faith," a neuroscientist offers compelling evidence that it is God who creates spiritual experiences and not ...
€9.30 exkl moms

Toward a Spiritual Psychotherapy

Toward a Spiritual Psychotherapy collects a series of lectures presented by psychologist Hunter Beaumont over a 10-year period.
€9.80 exkl moms