Every astrologer preparing accurate birth charts needs the information in this book. It contains daily longitudes of all the planets, tables of houses for London, Liverpool and New York, plus a complete lunar and planetary aspectarian.
A practical and thorough treatment on the meanings of all aspects of planetary and house rulerships, RULERS OF THE HOROSCOPE is the definitive sourcebook on this topic. Alan Oken masterfully guides you through the labyrinth of delineating and synthesising the complex interchange between rulers of houses and their signs and the nature of the houses they occupy and rule.
Every major aspect (conjunction, sextile, square, trine, opposition, inconjunct) is covered, 314 aspects in all, 300 words per aspect, thumb indexed for easy reference. Planets in Aspect, the first volume published in Para Research's Planets series, is undoubtedly the most thorough in-depth study of planetary aspects (including the inconjuncts) ever written. It's intelligent, yet easy to read.
Planets in Love is the first astrology book to take an unabashed look at human sexuality and the variety of relationships people form to meet emotional sexual needs. With unusual depth and insight, author John Townley delineates each traditional horoscope factor in terms of love and sex.
Planets in Composite contains an explanation of the composite technique, chapters on casting and reading the horoscope, five case studies illustrating the use and validity of composite charts, plus twelve chapters of delineations. There are delineations for all the planets (including Sun and Moon) in each house and every major aspect (conjunction, sextile, square, trine, opposition).
Devlin considers the relationship needs of the individual as revealed in the birth chart. Next, she analyzes parent/child relationships–where it all begins. Finally, she examines love, romance, sex, marriage and friendship in depth. Using C.G.
Usually we think of the Moon as having four phases, but there are actually twenty-eight. This feature alone reveals a great deal about you, your personality, abilities, motivations, perceptions. Whether you are a beginning student or a seasoned astrologer, Goldsmith's insightful interpretations will show you a new way to look at birth-charts.
Moon Phases doesn't stop there, however.
Find serenity thanks to the stars! Astrology, the discipline of the mind and the study of the human psyche, has become a true psychology. No longer perceived as magical or mystical, it is now viewed as a serious and accessible tool for personal development and self-knowledge. Astrology establishes correlations between what happens astronomically and what happens in nature.
Now you can be armed with an easy and fun strategy using astrology that can make your trip a success! With this enlightening, informative book for people interested in the stars, as well as travelers around the world, you can use the basics of astrology to have a great trip without worrying about traveling disasters.
Birth Pattern Psychology presents a new method of personality assessment. Human needs, attitudes, and behaviors define the book's content. By blending the pioneering concepts of Jung, Horney, and Freud with the contemporary insights of Maslow, Perls, and Sartre, the author provides a context for understanding what people communicate through actions and words.
Part One: ...
Using methods developed by ancient Astrologers, Lee Lehman works to strengthen techniques used by Astrologers today. The task of Classical Astrology today is twofold: to recover these techniques and to evaluate and understand them within a modern context.
Jansky explains how the signs of the zodiac relate to different parts of the body and how the houses of your natal horoscope are related to your food preferences and nutritional needs. He shows that the planetary aspects in your chart represent the flow of energy among the various systems of the body, which can indicate potential health problems.
Here at last are the collected essays of the world's leading astrologer. In one comprehensive volume, Essays on Astrology makes a cross section of Robert Hand's writings available to both the beginning and advanced astrologer. Robert Hand is one of the few astrologers to successfully work and publish in both the technical and humanistic dimensions of astrology.
"The aim of this book is to outline and delineate the journey of the soul."
Faith Javane explores the divine potential of each individual and steps they may take to attain Higher Consciousness. In this new study she focuses on one specific advance in Esoteric Astrology - the introduction and study of the Pentacle (Star of Destiny) and the Pentacle Aspects of the Horoscope.
At its simplest level, synastry is the examination of the interaction of two astrological charts. Since questions about the relationship are perhaps the ones most often asked of the astrologer, the art of synastry is a basic skill to practice astrology at any but the most casual level.
Planets in Synastry takes the reader through the steps of this complex process.
Zodiac Symbology presents an invaluable compendium of symbols for each sign of the Zodiac along with explanations of the practical and esoteric significance of those symbols. Combining a light approach with substantive information, this book is appropriate both as general reading for those seeking an introduction to astrology as well as a useful resource for more advanced students and researchers.
Beginning with the construction of a solar chart and birth time chart, this concise, easy to read new book takes the reader through the complexities of love and marriage. For the novice astrologer or the experienced, Dr. Mark will bring new insight and understanding to how our relationships are influenced by the heavens.