Paul Thomas Anderson has been described as "one of American film's modern masters" and "the foremost filmmaking talent of his generation." Anderson's ?lms have received 25 Academy Award nominations, and he has worked closely with many of the most accomplished actors of our time, including Lesley Ann Manville, Julianne Moore, Daniel Day-Lewis, Joaquin Phoenix, and Philip Seymour Ho?man.
Kim Krans's NEW YORK TIMES bestseller THE WILD UNKNOWN TAROT (375K copies sold) launched a culture-shifting brand that redefined tarot for the twenty-first century.
The 60 spritz recipes in Spritz Fever! are in the cocktail style of the decade. Seeing as most spritzes are low(ish) in ABV (well, certainly lower than wine, anyway), they're the ideal companion for any day-drinking event. Plus, as most Instagram feeds can attest, spritzes aren't just a drink...they're a lifestyle.
These super-salty, ultra-inspiring cards don't sugarcoat that it's often hard AF to grow as a human and be your best self. Use this deck to help you put feet on your gratitude practice. Simply pick a card, read it, do what it says, then see your life get less shitty. It's a gratitude list in a box!