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Psychic powers and Spirit guides

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€3.50 exkl moms

Awakening the Psychic Self

Through the warm and compelling story of a conflicted Christian hiding psychic skills, learn to awaken your special gifts of the spirit. Many devout Christians conceal their psychic abilities or deny the reality of their gifts, due to the immense sense of fear and condemnation engendered by biblical scripture.
€9.90 exkl moms

Mysterious Messages From Beyond

What or who is communicating with you from beyond the veil? This study of mysterious communications offers a contrast of classic stories of phantom calls to newer, personal stories that will both haunt and intrigue. The analysis examines thought forms, thought power, and heightened consciousness and suggests exercises for developing more-acute hearing of subtle sounds and voices.
€9.90 exkl moms

Essential guide to psychic powers

€8.70 exkl moms

Lessons from the Light: What We Can Learn from the Near-Death Experience

While providing many accounts of near-death experiences (NDEs) from men, women, and children of all ages and backgrounds, Lessons from the Light is much more than just an inspiring collection of NDEs.
€10.40 exkl moms

Lightworker: Understand Your Sacred Role As Healer, Guide & Being Of Light

Are you a Lightworker? It is the Lightworkers' mission to lend their light energy to a planet heavy with fear and negativity. But Lightworkers aren't all well known spiritual gurus. They are musicians and artists, shopkeepers, accountants, stay-at-home moms, and people you pass on the street.
€10.50 exkl moms

How to Live a Happily Ever Afterlife

€8.90 exkl moms


Can yoga and meditation unleash our inherent supernormal mental powers, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition? Is it really possible to perceive another person's thoughts and intentions?
€7.90 exkl moms

The Dead Are Alive

€3.50 exkl moms

Sorcerers crossing - a womans journey

Some twenty years ago, anthropologist Carlos Castaneda electrified millions of readers by describing his initiation--under the Yaqui Indian "brujo"Don Juan--into an alternate reality. Now Taisha Abelar, who was taught by the female members of Don Juan's group, recounts her own "crossing" in this arresting book.
€9.00 exkl moms

The Spirit's Way Home

€4.70 exkl moms

Psychic Powers

€4.90 exkl moms

David wells psychic secrets

In his latest incredible work, former Most Haunted presenter David Wells examines real life experiences to uncover the extraordinary truth behind psychic events.
€6.70 exkl moms

You forever

€10.50 exkl moms