“Mantras are passwords that transform the mundane into the sacred,” says Deva Premal. Password represents a shift in direction for Deva and Miten, with the introduction of Danish producer RajRishi, who brought the cream of Copenhagen’s jazz players into the mix. The result is a substantial, musically refined album with sublime arrangements of ancient mantras, complementing Deva’s soulful vocals.
Instrumentala tolkningar av kända skandinaviska folkvisor och sånger. Musiken sprider ro och glädje, och rymmer alla de kända elementen från Bindus musikaliska universum.
In the realm of electronic world beat, Pathaan is arguably the singular choice. Truly the ambassador of international sounds, his Stoned Asia Music series and sound are solid.
If you think you know the music of Jai Uttal, then get ready for a surprising adventure into uncharted territory. When remix artist Rara Avis of Shaman's Dream began to break down Jai's devotional classics in his Los Angeles studio, he discovered a hidden side to the kirtan that was dripping with funk.
Like a quiet lake in the early morning hours, within us all there is a still point of inner peace and calm. With Signatures on Water, acclaimed keyboardist and composer Maneesh de Moor offers a fluid soundscape to help guide us into our inner sanctuary.
Piano, keyboards
och gitarr i både
vemodig och
lycklig samklang
väcker minnen
av fjärran hav
och himmel, berg och skog. Något
är välbekant, något har ändrat sig, som årstidernas
Den perfekta presenten till dina nära och kära som behöver slappna av. CDn innehåller specialkomponerad musik för att skapa en stämning av totalt välbefinnande.
Här har du den helt perfekta musiken när du verkligen behöver slappna av. Fridfulla melodier med naturljud i bakgrunden skänker lugn och harmoni till kropp och själ.
"Singer/songwriter, Kirtana, sings about the journey she takes. With each successive album she has invited us, song by song, footstep by footstep, to come with her, deeper into this journey which ...
"The Offering : Epiphanies and Prayer Flags begins with a few relatively upbeat songs then winds down into more prayerful, introspective ballads about our relationship to ourselves, our planet and ...
Skivan "Songs for Tibet" består av 19 låtar med svenska artister som genom åren stöttat Tibet. På titelspåret "A song for Tibet" medverkar 8 sångare samt Janne Schaffer, Björn J: ...
Contemporary ballad-style songs in a folk/pop style celebrating divine love and the truth of who we are with accompaniment on piano, tabla, flute, guitar, cello and more.
Beautiful instrumental music with a soft Indian flavour - ideal for yoga practice, silent meditation; or for creating a healing atmosphere in your home.