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Course In Miracles - Embracing True Forgiveness Dvd : Awakening Series 2

Often, we look to blame others and practice a form of forgiveness that secretly allows us to continue to live our lives as victims. Discover how students and teachers in the A Course in Miracles community have been challenged to embrace True Forgiveness in their own lives by applying the lessons from A Course in Miracles to remember the truth of who they really are.

Course In Miracles - Understanding Special Relationships Dvd : Awakening Series 1

The A Course in Miracles Awakening Series blends insights & personal stories from Ken Wapnick, Gary Renard and others in the ACIM community with messages directly from the Course, as read by AVAIYA founder, iKE ALLEN.

Excuses Begone : How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits [DVD]

People are forever using excuses and defending those excuse patterns as if they were actually true. Such statements as ‘It would be very difficult for me to change…’, ‘If I changed, it would create ...

Magic Hand of Chance

Following a colourful cast of characters in a traveling Russian circus - the fire-eater, the juggler, the trapeze artist, the acrobats, the contortionist and the clowns - we see hopes dashed, dreams realised, lies told and love grown. Through a series of twists and turns, we watch as Voronin hones his craft while performing around the world. Through his journey, we learn the importance of believing in yourself and your dreams even in the face of negativity. We see that against all odds, it is po

My Greatest Teacher

Based on the true life story of bestselling author Wayne Dyer, My Greatest Teacher is a compelling drama that explores the transformational power of forgiveness.

Painting the Future

Inspired by the writings of bestselling author Louise L. Hay, Painting the Future reveals how the thoughts we choose create the life we live.

An Introduction to Spontaneous Evolution with Bruce H. Lipton, PhD

If looking at today's headlines makes you wonder about the fate of our planet, here is some news that may surprise you: from an evolutionary standpoint, we are exactly where we need to be.

Just 10 lbs

In Just 10 LBS, intervention specialist Brad Lamm brings a fresh eye to weight loss, focusing not on the what of eating, but on the how and why. This book discards the notion of overhauling life with the vague dream of being thin and challenges the reader to focus on losing just 10 pounds.


“Mantras are passwords that transform the mundane into the sacred,” says Deva Premal. Password represents a shift in direction for Deva and Miten, with the introduction of Danish producer RajRishi, who brought the cream of Copenhagen’s jazz players into the mix. The result is a substantial, musically refined album with sublime arrangements of ancient mantras, complementing Deva’s soulful vocals.

Sex: The Secret Gate To Eden--Alchemy, Tantra & Kabbalah In

This DVD contains no lewd or graphic imagery and is illustrated entirely by the world's heritage of art. The knowledge and wisdom presented is the synthesis of the teachings of Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Padmasambhava, the Dalai Lama, Samael Aun Weor and many more. Temptation. The serpent. The expulsion from Paradise.

The Power of Your Spirit

Our connection to Spirit is one of the most significant lifelong relationships, but we often neglect it.