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The Flower of Life Meditations

These meditations are collaborations with Denise's higher self called Astar, a gathering of consciousness that flows in the eternal stream of Denise's consciousness. Everyone has his or her own Astar. Through your blossoming love, take a journey to your wise inner guidance, where you can connect with your own higher self and the loving, passionate creator that you are. 65 minutes • 4 Tracks

Meditations to Experience the Power of Surrender

Helping you to experience the power of letting go, this book features a spiritual devotional practice that connects you to the magic of universal flow. It will teach you how to blend with this flow for your highest well-being and let go of stress, over thinking and fear by tuning in to the deepest calm within you.

Archangel guide to ascension - visualizations to assist your journey to the

Since 2012, the energy on our planet has changed considerably and we are now in a transitional period into a new Golden Age. The Archangels are offering new high-frequency information to assist you on your journey, and in this CD programme Diana Cooper and Tim Whild guide you through six powerful visualizations to raise your energy and ascend your frequency to the fifth dimension and beyond.

Chakra Balancing Crystal Alignment Cd

Now you can awaken the crystal healer within you and perform a crystal alignment for yourself and others. This CD offers you an avenue for gentle self-reflection via deeper understanding of colour, chakras, thought forms and vibrations. You will become aware of what may need to be cleared to allow a beautiful flow of energy to raise your consciousness.

Fuck it therapy - the profane way to profound happiness

If every therapist and psychotherapist on the planet could repeat this to their clients, like a mantra, again and again, there would be fewer therapists and psychotherapists. Because it works. Very quickly.

Co-Creating at Its Best

What happens when you bring together one of the most inspirational spiritual teachers of all time and the Master Sages of the Universe? A magical, insightful, invigorating encounter you will never forget!

The Power of No

Over the past three years James Altucher and Claudia Azula Altucher have answered tens of thousands of questions in their writings, retreats, talks and online seminars

Angel prayer meditations - harnessing the help of heaven to create miracles

Connecting to your angels is a two way process. The first step is through prayer; the second step is through meditation. If prayer is speaking, meditation is listening. In Angel Prayers Meditations, Kyle Gray will guide you through a series of powerful meditations that will help you connect to your Guardian Angels and the Archangel realm. You will be gently guided to clear your energy and mind...

Crystal meditation - experience the healing power of crystals

The CRYSTAL MEDITATION CD has four tracks that will take you on a journey into the Crystal Kingdom! Meditation is a powerful way to connect, open and receive the healing medicine and energy of the Crystal Kingdom.

Letting Go

With Letting Go, I finally say all of the words I could never voice. Thank you for joining me in this new chapter of my life. — Skye

Inner Freedom I Cd

All the tracks on these two CDs take you into a deep state of relaxation allowing you to let go and achieve each of the stated objectives... CD1 RELAXATION AND STRESS MANAGEMENT Within the recording are positive suggestions that can help you to feel better about yourself and the world around you.