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Camino Guides

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Pilgrim's Guide To Sarria - Santiago Second Edition

A quarter of all pilgrims arriving at Santiago start in Sarria: it provides the minimum distance required for a pilgrim to apply for a Compostela. This guidebook features all the information needed to complete the 7 stages from O Cebreiro to Santiago via Sarria, including maps and contour guides (stage by stage), town plans, alternate routes, accommodation, history, mythology and so much more...
€9.40 exkl moms

Camino De Santiago Maps Thirteenth Edition

A complete set of maps and town plans in English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch and Polish make up this indispensable guidebook for spiritual seekers and travellers wishing to walk the way of Saint James. Covering the sacred route from St.
€9.40 exkl moms

Pilgrim's Guide To The Camino Sanabrés & Camino Invierno

This guidebook combines two ancient routes into Santiago that remain largely undiscovered despite their historic significance. Each route offers a very different camino experience but are combined in one volume as they join in A Laxe for the final stages.
€9.40 exkl moms

Pilgrim's Guide To The Camino Finisterre - Including Múxia Circuit 2nd Edition

Camino Finisterre: Pilgrims who continue to the 'End of the Earth' Finis Terrae often refer to this as a highlight in their journeying. In the first edition it was described as the road less travelled but that acclaim has now passed to Muxía which has become the ideal extension for those seeking space for rest and reflection before returning home.
€9.40 exkl moms

Camino Portugués Maps Twelfth Edition

€9.40 exkl moms