Twilight Language of the Nagual recounts the author's experiences under the tutelage of don Juan Matus, the Toltec shaman who mentored Carlos Castaneda, and the sorceress dona Celestina.
With the growing consensus that global warming is a fact, comes the realisation that the increasingly violent weather we are experiencing is its chief manifestation. Each storm, each flood, each blizzard seems to break 100-year-old records for both intensity and damage. Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases may be too little, too late.
In SHAPESHIFTING WITH OUR ANIMAL COMPANIONS, Dawn Baumann Brunke moves beyond the “how” and “why” of animal communication presented in her earlier books to a profound journey of shared spiritual awareness.
This practical guide for inviting the wisdom of Mary Magdalene into everyday life is designed for those interested in the sacred feminine wisdom of the Goddess.
We no longer have the luxury of learning only from the past. Visionary Shamanism explains how to learn from the future, via the imaginal cells of the energy field, and receive guidance from the ...
· Reveals the sacred wisdom inherent in Honeybee's pollinating,
Butterfly's transformation, Spider's weaving, and Earthworm's
· Provides experiential practices, such as Shamanic Breathwork
journeys, to connect with insect teachers and harness their
consciousness-activating patterns
· Shows how Dragonfly, Cicada and Cricket connect us with the
Great ...
Join Jose Arguelles and his higher self--his "dimensional double," Uncle Joe Zuvuya--on a journey from the center of the earth to the outermost reaches of the galaxy!
A complete investigation of the development and suppression of antigravity and field propulsion technologies, including those capable of revolutionizing energy production. This book shows how NASA is part of a cover-up to block adoption of advanced technologies under military development.
Offering detailed information about the myriad characters and subjects covered by The Earth Chronicle Series, this book provides an encyclopedic compendium of the myths and events from humanity's ...
Traditional Egyptologists have long resisted the notion that the architectural achievements of the Ancient Egyptians required the existence of a much more sophisticated technology than would have existed at that time. Yet, no records exist explaining how, why or who built Egypt's megalithic monuments and statues.
A revolution of thought is under way in our world, fostered by decades of research and well-documented evidence by alternative theory pioneers such as Graham Hancock, John Anthony West, Robert Bauval and Robert Schoch.
A direct transmission from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light. Through Amorah we are taught to open our “Ka Channels”, which pull energy from our multidimensional, holographic selves into our physical ...