Does the allure of the soft, pale light of the Moon stir the magick within your heart? These cards will reveal ancient witches' wisdom and empowering potential of the Moon's influence on ritual magick and spellcasting. From traditional Moon phases to rarer Moon ocurrences, this deck illuminates the source of your inner magick and highlights the path you are to take.
FLOWER MAGIC ORACLE CARDS deal specifically with the potency of 'flower power', in all its divinatory and healing forms, to highlight what needs to be looked at in your life and help you to make the changes necessary to bring about growth and harmony, in a most practical fashion.
Engage now with the spiritual Animal Kingdom as each vibrant card offers the opportunity to bring about positivity and change. Gain self-discipline and more by consulting 48 different animals which span the continents each one helping you to connect to your animal guidance and aspects within. Unique to this deck are the dual purpose 'key' words.
There are many paths to choose in life and, often, you can be at a loss as to which direction to take. Having a helping hand from time-to-time can really assist you to tread your chosen path with confidence and live your life, with all its joys and pitfalls, to the full. Re-engage now the power of 'Universal Oneness'.
Do you ever feel you are losing your way in life? Be guided by those who've lived in harmony with our amazing planet for millennia. This unique collection of ancient wisdom, interpreted for the modern age, pools the power of the land, the people, their tools and mythology into a single, stunning resource of inspiration, creation and comfort in these all too testing times of our making.
A witch is a healer, a counsellor and ambassador for the workings of Nature and takes a responsible attitude in guardianship for our beloved planet and those who reside on it, ever minding the Three-Fold Law. The WITCHES' WISDOM ORACLE CARDS awaken wisdom that lives within. These cards can be used by a seasoned witch or one who is dabbling in the ancient path of the wise.
We ignore the darkness in ourselves at our peril. Reconnect with the strength, resilience and power of the night with the DARK GODDESS ORACLE CARDS. in showcasing goddess from across the globe, this deck has everything needed to reconnect with your shadow self.
The MYSTIC WANDERER ORACLE CARDS beckons you to start your journey! This deck offers you the assistance you need to discover who you are and how to manage life's challenges and opportunities best. Mysticism is about developing your spirituality via whichever ideologies, rites and religious pathways speak to you.
The evocative new WITCHES' FAMILIARS ORACLE CARDS deals specifically with the magic and mystery of special creatures, big and small, all around us that can give of themselves when called upon. Are you ready and willing to receive the power and guidance of your Familiars?
Welcome to QABALAH MAGIC ORACLE CARDS - to your Qabalah experienced through the lens of your own life, your own past lives, your own astrology, your own belief systems - you're about to understand and decipher all of that!
The Priestesses welcome you!
In purchasing this deck, you make yourself open and willing to engage with The Priestess Codes™, the incredible 'light language' transmitted through the energy of the mystery schools of the Divine Feminine. The PRIESTESS CODES ORACLE CARDS is a beautiful tool that uses 48 deities to release old belief systems and patriarchal imprints.