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Red Wheel Weiser

Why Red Wheel? We found the red wheel to be an apt symbol for what we’re trying to do. Wheels get you places, move you forward. They’re a symbol of both motion and wholeness in just about every culture or religious belief system. Red is, of course, the color of passion and life. We hope and believe people will find comfort, inspiration, passion, and answers through our books.

Weiser Books has a long history as publishers of esoteric, occult teachings from traditions all around the world and throughout time. From metaphysics and magick to astrology, tarot, Eastern thought, and Western mystery traditions, we offer knowledge about a new consciousness, received wisdom, and information on how to live today, in these changing times. 

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Snow Melting In A Silver Bowl: A Book Of Active Meditations

Active meditation is the solution for those who don't have the time or patience to sit still and wait for enlightenment and peace. Snow Melting In A Silver Bowl is a collection of activities designed to focus the mind--if only for a moment--to see the spiritual in the physical world.

Fifty Ways To Feed Your Soul : A Spirituality & Health Book

Forget special spandex clothing. Forget, too, any complicated spiritual rituals or expensive workshops. Readers of Fifty Ways to Feed Your Soul don't need any special props or instruction to find peace and serenity. Instead they get tried and true advice from people just like themselves, the readers of Spirituality & Health magazine.

The Old Girls' Book of Dreams: How to Make Your Wishes Come True Day by Day and Night by Night

Imagine a woman who's part Mae West, part Dear Abby, with a scoop of Glenda, and a large dollop of Kali energy, who tells it like Janis Joplin might. Cal Garrison is that woman, a professional witch and astrologer, who in her first book, The Old Girls' Book of Spells, invited women of a certain age to use her spells to enliven their love lives, find their car keys, and prevail at work and at home.

Way Forward: Spiritual Guidance For Our Troubled Times

The Dalai Lama has observed that our wars and battles are really conflicts within ourselves. Before we can hope to bring peace to the world, we must learn to transform ourselves and search for the deepest wisdom within each of us. Anna Voigt and Nevill Drury show how to do just that.

Prince Charming

We can conquer careers, earn advanced degrees and reasonable livings, scale mountains, win tennis matches and softball games. We've come a long way--so why do some of us have such a hard time in the realm of love and romance? Prince Charming won't solve all problems, but it will go a long way.

Sacred Beat: From the Heart of the Drum Circle

The beat is universal -- drumming as a way of communicating with other people, spirits, and self exists around the world and throughout time. And contemporary drumming is thriving! In the neo-pagan community, the most popular festivals and workshops are those that feature drumming circles.

Soul Mission, Life Vision: Recognize Your True Gifts and Make Your Mark in the World

Inspirational teacher Alan Seale has helped thousands of people create the lives they want. In Soul Mission, Life Vision he shares ancient and ageless techniques and tools that can launch the process of self-discovery essential to achieving the life of your dreams. Seale has created a program that will lead readers to a "big-picture view" of life, beyond the constraints of any situation.

Embrace Yes: The Power of Spiritual Affirmation

In this powerful book Martin Lowenthal leads a journey to the very heart of spirituality, a journey of acceptance and aliveness through affirmation. By affirming what is in our hearts, writes Lowenthal, we embrace our aliveness and the reality of life in the moment. And only through acceptance, openness, and affirmation can we ever really be present and complete.

Let It Go: Burn, Bury, Rip, Repeat

Bummed out? Ticked off? Hemmed in? Tied down? Choked up? Take this book and write it down, then tear it up, or soak it in water, or burn it. And let it go! Let It Go helps get rid of those negative feelings to make room for what makes us happier, healthier, wealthier, and wiser. It's elemental in order to give up bad habits for more healthy ones, we need to let go.

Goddess Bless!: Divine Affirmations, Prayers, and Blessings

The Goddess represents a divine spirit that is as old as Earth herself. She is the source of all creation. When you call on her, she will help you draw from her infinite power and wisdom to create a brighter, more loving life for yourself. Goddess Bless!

Total Palmistry: The Love Connection

Are you an Apollonian, independent and drawn to the opportunity to date and meet many people? Or is it Mercury that rules your heart, as you seek romance more for its comfort than its excitement? The key to these behavioral mysteries lays right in the palm of your hand--literally!

Spirit Taking Form: Making a Spiritual Practice of Making Art

Anyone can make art. Finding one's spiritual center can come of making art. Making art can come of finding one's spiritual center. Nancy Azara has been teaching the making of art, art-making as a spiritual practice, and other spiritual practices for thirty-five years.

A Book of Women's Altars: Create Sacred Spaces for Art, Worship, Solace, Celebrations

Altar (noun): an elevated surface upon which one displays meaningful objects. Any surface can become an altar. Geddes and Cunningham, with beautiful, inspirational photos and text that's both instructive and poetic, show us how. For women, they say, an altar can become a sacred space upon which to place symbols of her true self.

A String and a Prayer: How to Make and Use Prayer Beads

Eleanor Wiley and Maggie Oman Shannon have taken an ancient practice and made it new. A String and a Prayer recounts the history and symbolism of prayer beads, teaches basic techniques for stringing beads and a host of other objects into prayer beads, and offers a variety of prayers and rituals to use those beads on a daily basis. Beads have appeared throughout history.

A Magical Course in Tarot: Reading the Cards in a Whole New Way

As interest in spirituality and divine guidance continues to grow, more and more readers are turning to the ancient art of Tarot. A Magical Course in Tarot offers an unprecedented understanding of this mysterious art.

Nirvana in a Nutshell: 157 Zen Meditations

Nirvana is not to be found in the fulfillment of endless desires, the analysis of profound thoughts, or even hours, days, or years of meditative contemplation. In fact, it is the very act of seeking to obtain happiness, peace, and enlightenment that keeps them out of reach.

Love, Light & Laughter

Part autobiography, part self-help, and part laugh-out-loud hoot, this is no ordinary relationship book. No matter whether you want to change, end, or start a creative, intimate relationship, this book gives tons of true-life tips for putting your partnership first and making it work. It's no secret that sharing stories is a way to teach others what you know.

Old Girls' Book Of Spells: The Real Meaning Of Menopause, Sex...& Other Stuff About Magic

Witchcraft, magic, and spell work are as old as time itself. But the "Sixth Sense," or mental pathway that controls thought processes, lies dormant for many women. Menopause changes all that -- and the Third Eye is free to function.

Making Magic with Gaia: Practices to Heal Ourselves and Our Planet

A Greenpeace activist, Wiccan High Priestess, and proud Soccer Mom, Francesca Howell has been involved in magical traditions and wildlife preservation since childhood. In this one-of-a-kind book, she shares her everyday suggestions for spiritual renewal through connecting with nature.

The Wise Earth Speaks to Your Spirit: 52 Ways to Find Your Soul Voice Through Journal Writing

A heartfelt combination of spiritual discovery, environmental observations, and journal writing, The Wise Earth Speaks to Your Spirit offers readers a 52-week cycle of themed essays and related questions about the natural world. Entries on night and sky and parakeets, wind and mud and rain, snakes and tea and thistle, among others.