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Inner Traditions

Started back in 1975 in a small office in New York City, Inner Traditions • Bear & Company now has 13 imprints and, as of 2022, more than 2,000 titles in print across a wide and eclectic range of subjects. The company is considered one of the largest and oldest publishing houses in the world devoted exclusively to the subjects of spirituality, esotericism, and alternative health and healing.

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Discover Your Soul Mission

€7.90 exkl moms

Angels Of Light Cards: Pocket Edition (55 Cards)

Each card in this lavish deck portrays a different angel for guidance, protection, help, and healing. Intended for inspiration and affirmation, the cards work with the user's thoughts and decisions to raise levels of consciousness and open up psychic and spiritual gifts.
€4.20 exkl moms

Animal Whispers Empowerment Cards: Animal Wisdom to Empower, Heal and Inspire

This divination card deck brings empowerment and inspiration in tune with the rhythms of nature and the planet from the animal kingdom.
€8.90 exkl moms

Animal allies & gemstone guardian cards

A full-colour oracle deck pairing animal allies and gemstones to increase your awareness and bring inspiration to light your path · Each card matches the vibration of an animal with the energy of a crystal, mineral or stone to provide guidance and messages of hope, happiness and well-being · Includes 44 full-colour cards, each with a question for contemplative thought, a positive ...
€7.70 exkl moms

Greek mythology reading cards

A powerful deck of oracle cards combining the insight and wisdom of ancient Greece with iconic images from the world of art · Consult the gods and goddesses of the Greek pantheon and receive their spiritual guidance and wisdom, as part of your soul's awakening and growth · Includes a 128-page guidebook and 50 full-colour cards featuring a treasury of old art images, beautifully enhanced by ...
€10.10 exkl moms

Inner Child Cards Workbook: Further Exercises and Mystical Teachings from the Fairy-Tale Tarot

Full of esoteric healing methods INNER CHILD CARDS WORKBOOK shows us how make life choices by gleaning wisdom from our favourite fairy tales.
€7.10 exkl moms

Lost Book Of The Grail

Unveiling the long-forgotten prequel to the Grail quest stories, Caitlín and John Matthews examine The Elucidation of the Grail, a forgotten 13th-century French text and show how it offers the key to understanding the sevenfold path of the Grail and the deeper stories beneath the Christian Grail narrative.
€13.60 exkl moms

Familiars In Witchcraft

Exploring the history and creation of a “witch's familiar,” also known as a spirit double or guardian spirit, Maja D'Aoust shows how there is much more to these supernatural servant spirits and guardians than meets the eye.
€9.30 exkl moms

Fierce Feminine Rising

After millennia of suppression, the Fierce Feminine, or Dark Mother, is making a dramatic resurgence to express our universal outrage. She is rising collectively now and many women and men are feeling a welling up of sacred rage inside, a calling to set things right in our own lives and seek justice for those who can't defend themselves.
€9.30 exkl moms

Hoodoo Tarot : 78-Card Deck and Book for Rootworkers

Between the 17th and 19th centuries, many Indigenous Americans and people of African descent intermarried and socialized more often than is acknowledged by mainstream history books and scholars. These interactions produced not only a multicultural people but also a body of knowledge that is known today as Hoodoo or Rootwork.
€14.90 exkl moms


€12.10 exkl moms

Occult I Ching

One of the oldest books in the world, the I Ching has been used in China for millennia to open a dialogue with divinity, gain insight and wisdom, and pull aside the curtain of reality to reveal the light of the heavens. Yet, despite its popularity over thousands of years, few understand its mysterious origins, symbolism, or occult connections.
€11.50 exkl moms

Rosicrucian America

Dr. John Dee and his polymath protégé Sir Francis Bacon were the most influential men in the court of Queen Elizabeth I, part of an elite group with invisible control throughout Europe. And as Steven Sora reveals, not only were they key members of the Rosicrucians, they were the driving force behind England's colonization of the New World and the eventual establishment of the United States.
€10.70 exkl moms

Hermetic Science Of Transformation

The main purpose of the hermetic science, as seen by Giuliano Kremmerz (1861-1930), Italian alchemist, hermeticist, philosopher and member of the Ur Group, is to allow the adept to concentrate on the natural and divine magic that will allow him or her to develop the latent powers innate in every human being.
€17.90 exkl moms

Odin and the Nine Realms Oracle

Deepen your connection to spirit and follow your life’s path with the ancient wisdom of this powerful Norse oracle card deck • Includes 54 full-color cards depicting Norse deities, runes, and mythic beings with a message from the Nine Realms and a book offering guidance and card spreads
€14.90 exkl moms

Sex Shamans

Drawing on traditional and modern practices, a sex shaman uses the power of erotic energy as a healing medicine. They channel divine love and embrace sexuality freely, practising polyamory, sexual healing and even sex magic. They teach tantra, trance dance, kundalini yoga and other techniques for healing shame, guilt, fear and sexual trauma.
€10.70 exkl moms

Theology Of Love

In the West, theology has almost always meant Christian theology, a hodgepodge of beliefs that are hard to make sense of. Why, for example, should an all-loving, merciful God have gotten mad at the human race because someone ate a piece of fruit six thousand years ago? And why would he send part of himself down to earth to be tortured to death? These beliefs, stated baldly, are nonsensical.
€10.70 exkl moms

Tarot And The Gates Of Light

The 49-day mystical practice known as Counting the Omer is an ancient Jewish ritual observed between the holidays of Passover and Shavuot (also known as Pentecost). As practiced by Kabbalists, it is designed to cleanse and purify the soul in preparation for spiritual revelation and a personal connection with God.
€13.60 exkl moms

Three Stages Of Initiatic Spirituality

Exploring the craftsman, warrior and magician archetypes - three vocations that echo the traditional tripartite division of society, Angel Millar reveals how these archetypes represent the three successive stages of spiritual growth in an individual's life. He shows how they provide structure for the initiatory process to develop one's mental, physical and spiritual potential.
€10.70 exkl moms