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Tarot Books

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Wisdom of the Golden Path

These cards and accompanying guidebook provide clarity and practical guidance for many of life's challenging issues.
€22.80 exkl moms

Kuan Yin Oracle

The 44 cards in this deck guide you to a place of inner peace and beauty. Her energy reaches out to you from each card.
€18.90 exkl moms

Cards of Transformation

Achieve the beautiful and fulfilling destiny you were meant to have with this limited-edition fortune telling deck. Each card features a charming, old-time scene that is rich with ageless wisdom. Part of Lo Scarabeo's Old Cartomancy collection, this playing card deck will bring you the transformation you have been seeking.
€8.40 exkl moms

Tarocchi di Aleister Crowley - Thoth Tarot (Italian edition)

Immerse yourself in the symbolic wealth of the Aleister Crowley Tarot. The painter Frieda Harris was herself an Egyptologist and worked about 1200 symbols into the 78 cards! These cards are fascinating in the depth of thinking which they reveal. The Thoth Tarot was created by the famous occultist Aleister Crowley (1875 - 1947). Lady Frieda Harris (1877 - 1962) painted the cards.
€9.00 exkl moms

Herbs & Plants Lenormand Oracle Cards

€7.90 exkl moms

The Little Oracle

€7.40 exkl moms

Inspirational Goddesses Oracle

Women deities from all cultures and religions unite in the cards of this beautiful new deck. Inspirational Goddesses Oracle is a work of true dedication to the female world, an all-around exploration of the feminine side through the aspects of the benevolent and malevolent divinities. A way to connect with the divine feminine and understand the depths of its nature.
€7.90 exkl moms

Tarot de Marseille Convos SP

El Tarot de Marsella es uno de los Tarot más antiguos y populares de la historia. No es un facsímil, sino que está basado en la antigua presentación en madera del Tarot de Marsella de Nicolas Conver del siglo XVIII. El artista Otto Spalinger utilizó un colorido completamente nuevo y consideró diferentes tradiciones iconográficas para lograr esta baraja artísticamente impresionante.
€9.40 exkl moms

Mystiques Lenormand Cartes FR

Livret français de 40 pages. Format : 6 x 9.2 cm. Cet oracle est composé de 36 cartes. Le Jeu mystique de Lenormand voit certes son inspiration dans les cartes classiques de Melle Lenormand, mais revêt cependant une toute nouvelle conception individuelle. L'artiste suisse Urban Trösch a peint les images sur des planches à fond de craie selon une technique de détrempe à l'oeuf.
€4.50 exkl moms

Osho Zen Tarot, coffret FR

Le jeu transcendantal du zen. Dans certaines périodes de notre vie où les certitudes et les hésitations nous gagnent, nous recherchons souvent une nouvelle source d'inspiration : Qu'est-ce que l'avenir ? Que se passera-t-il si je prends cette décision ou une autre ? Qu'en est-il de ma santé ?
€15.10 exkl moms

Vision Quest Tarot PT

A Sabedoria Do Nativo Americano Gayan Sylvie Winter & Jo Dosé
O Tarô Vision Quest tem o propósito de aumentar noss a consciência das forças cósmicas e a forma como elas influenciam no noss o caminho individual.
Perspectivas mudadas, trazidas por cada nova fase, naturalmente elevam noss o foco e expandem noss as visões.
€10.10 exkl moms

Fin de Siècle Kipper SP

“Ciro Marchetti has situated the traditional German fortune telling deck at the turn of the 19th century in Victorian England.In this expanded deck with three additional cards, rich images tell the stories of the workers as well as thewealthy during the Industrial Revolution.
€9.80 exkl moms

Vision Quest FR

Discover humanity's connection with the cosmic forces of nature through Native American legends. The soothing imagery and spiritual symbols on the cards will bring you to a new understanding of our place in the cycle of life. Language: French
€10.10 exkl moms

Osho Bouddha Box FR

Nous portons tous en nous le potentiel de devenir un Bouddha à part entière. Ce magnifique paquet, comprenant 53 des cartes spectaculaires, des sutras qui développent l’esprit et un guide d’accompagnement sont les clés pour libérer ce pouvoir. Ils aident le processus d’éveil, de donner sens et signification à nos vies.
€14.00 exkl moms

Vision Quest Tarot SP

El tarot de la sabiduría amerindia de Gayan Silvie Winter & Jo Dosé
Todos queremos estar más despiertos y ser más libres en nuestro pensamiento, en nuestra consciencia, en nuestro modo de vivir.
Con sus símbolos potentes, claros y sencillos el tarot Vision-Quest puede ser de gran ayuda para tomar consciencia de las fuerzas del cosmos y del espíritu en el propio vivir.
€10.10 exkl moms

Raven Cards SP

Con palabras e imágenes claras, pero de ninguna manera superficiales, las Raven Cards proporcionan un fondo siempre presente de sugerencias – y conocimientos que arrojan diluz sobre situaciones difíciles, proporcionan una clave para resolver un problema espinoso o simplemente señalan camino a seguir.
€10.00 exkl moms

Tarot de Marseille Convos PT

€9.40 exkl moms

A.E. Waite Tarot King-Size Deluxe Premium Edition

€15.10 exkl moms

Night Fairies

€11.70 exkl moms